Release Notes from Version 6.1.0 (all Stages)
Version 6.1.0 build 01.100 — 26.11.2017 22:34:40 :
26.11.2017 MS: ADMX: change Category Ivanti Automation to Ivanti
24.11.2017 MS: 10_PrepBISF_AV-SEP.ps1 – Change Name in Log and Display from VIEtool.exe to Symantec Virtual Image Exception (VIE) Tool
22.11.2017 JP: Fixed spelling and grammar errors in AMDX, AMDL files
22.11.2017 JP: Added XML tag in ADMX, ADML files
21.11.2017 MS: If Error appears, exit script with Exit 1
15.11.2017 MS: Bugfix: on the Mounted Disk, the same UniqueID must be set to fix boot record issues (
15.11.2017 MS: Feature 216: during uninstall of BIS-F, the schedule task is deleted also
11.11.2017 MS: Bugfix: show the right Eventlog during move to the WCD
11.11.2017 MS: Bugfix: Retry 30 times if Logshare on network path is not found with fallback after max. is reached
10.11.2017 MS: Feature: .NET Optimization controled in ADMX, Category Microsoft
09.11.2017 MS: Feature: support now for Office x64 and x86, Read Office Installationpath from regisrty instead of hardcoded Filepath
07.11.2017 MS: Added $LIC_BISF_3RD_OPT = $false, if vmOSOT or CTXO is enabled and found, $LIC_BISF_3RD_OPT = $true and disable BIS-F own optimizations
03.11.2017 MS: Feature: Function Use-BISFPVSConfig – if PVS Target Device Driver not installed, write info to BIS-F log and set the value $Global:Redirection=$true; $Global:RedirectionCode=”NoPVS”
03.11.2017 MS: Feature: Function Get-BISFBootMode – writing BootMode (UEFI or Legacy) in Function to BISF log
02.11.2017 MS: Bugfix: if booting up in private Mode the vhdx and custom unc-path for P2V is configured, defrag runs on the UNC-Path and not on the BaseDisk itself.
01.11.2017 MS: Feature Preparation: get detailed OS License Information and write them to the BIS-F Log
01.11.2017 MS: Feature Preparation: Office Rearm state writes to BIS-F Log
01.11.2017 MS: Feature Personalization – get Office activation state and License state back to the BIS-F log
01.11.2017 MS: Added check if Defrag Service is running, thx to Lejkin Dmitrij
29.10.2017 MS: Bugfix: IF $DiskNameExtension -eq “noVirtualDisk” and custom UNC-Path is enabled, runnig OfflineDefrag on custom UNC-Path
29.10.2017 MS: Replaced DiskMode MCS with VDA value
29.10.2017 MS: Bugfix AppLayering, Outside ELM no UniService must be running
29.10.2017 MS: Bugfix: Custom UNC-Path get the wrong value back and does not perform a defrag on the vhd(x) and set the right value now $Global:TestDiskMode
Version 6.1.0 build 02.103 — 19.10.2017 12:13:13 :
19.10.2017 MS: Bugifx: defrag select the the right vDisk on the custom UNC-Path or the direct convertion
19.10.2017 MS: MSMQ show in Console Front instead SubMsg
Version 6.1.0 build 02.102 — 19.10.2017 09:03:00 :
17.10.2017 MS: Feature Add Offline VHD Defrag on custom unc path, thx to Dennis Span
17.10.2017 MS: Bugfix Running Office ream first and second OS rerarm, thx to Bernd Baedermann
17.10.2017 MS: Feature: ADMX change RES to ivanti Automation, thx to Chris Twiest
17.10.2017 MS: Feature: ADM extension PVS Target Device: select vDisk Type VHDX/VHD that can be using for P2PVS only, thx to Christian Schuessler
16.10.2017 MS: Bugfix Errorhandling – script will stop now after -Type E for Write-BISFLog
16.10.2017 MS: Bugfix Applayering, check if the Layer finalize is allowed before continue, thx to Brandon Mitchell
16.10.2017 MS: Bugfix OS rearm never run, path to slmgr.vbs must be entered before, thx to Bernd Baedermann
16.10.2017 MS: Bugfix detecting wrong POSH Version if running BIS-F remotly, using $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major, thx to Fabian Danner
15.10.2017 MS: Feature – AV-SEP.ps1: VIETool – using custom searchfolder from ADMX if enabled
03.10.2017 MS: Bugfix 214: SCOM Preparation – Test path if $OpsStateDirOrigin before delete, instead of complete C: content if if $OpsStateDirOrigin is not available
03.10.2017 MS: Bugfix 215: Personalization – writing wrong PersState to registry, preparation does not run in that case, thx to Ewald Bracko
Version 6.1.0 build 02.101 — 22.09.2017 14:05:59 :
22.09.2017 MS: bugfix 00_PersBISF_WriteCacheDisk.ps1 – change reboot command to use shutdown /r instead of restart-computer
Version 6.1.0 build 02.100 — 22.09.2017 10:14:04 :
21.09.2017 MS: Bugfix – Central logshare enabled for preparation also
21.09.2017 MS: fix some typos
21.09.2017 MS: Feature: RES Automation Agent Service could be controlled from ADMX
21.09.2017 MS: Feature: CMTrace – using custom searchfolder from ADMX if enabled
14.09.2017 MS: bugfix 212 – if personlity.ini not exist, run Set-PVSTool otherwise check vDiskMode
14.09.2017 MS: after WriteCacheDisk would formatted during personlization, wait after reboot
12.09.2017 MS: Invoke-CDS Changing to $servicename = “BrokerAgent” to control the delay of the Service
Version 6.1.0 build 03.106 — 12.09.2017 16:39:00 :
12.09.2017 MS: using progressbar during wait for the personlization is finished
12.09.2017 MS: Using Array in Initialize-BISFConfiguration $Global:TaskStates= @(“AfterInst”,”AfterPrep”,”Active”,”Finished”) instaed of hardcoded values
Version 6.1.0 build 03.105 — 11.09.2017 23:34:37 :
11.09.2017 MS: Feature: Controlflag for preparation to run it after the personalization is finished first
11.09.2017 MS: change sleep timer from 5 to 20 seconds after time sync on startup
11.09.2017 MS: Bugfix – Delay Citrix Desktop Service must be stopped also
11.09.2017 MS: WEM AgentCacheRefresh can be using without the WEM Brokername specified from WEM ADMX
Version 6.1.0 build 03.104 — 11.09.2017 14:24:41 :
11.09.2017 FF: add missing function name for Invoke-Service
Version 6.1.0 build 03.103 — 10.09.2017 21:46:34 :
10.09.2017 MS: Feature 211 – VDA Configuration (ADMX) – Delay Citrix Desktop Service, start this Service after personalization is finished
08.09.2017 FF: Feature 182 – Windows Defender Signature will only be updated if Defender is enabled to run
01.08.2017 JS: Bugfix 205 – 10_PersBISF_AV-TM.ps1 – Added the TmPfw (OfficeScan NT Firewall) service to the array
01.08.2017 JS: Bugfix 205 – 10_PrepBISF_AV-TM.ps1 – Updated ini file and delete run value as per
This should be implemented for both RDS and VDI workloads, especially if using published
applications, as it prevents the PccNTMon.exe process from running in user sessions, which
means that the OfficeScan (OSCE) Agent or WFBS-SVC (Worry-Free Business Security Services)
icon is unavailable in the system tray.
Added the TmPfw (OfficeScan NT Firewall) service to the array.
20.08.2017 JS: Bugfix 205- 10_PrepBISF_AV-TM.ps1 – I found that the services were not being stopped and set to manual, so added a new TerminateProcess
function and modified the StopService function to make it reliable.
Version 6.1.0 build 03.102 — 06.09.2017 15:05:26 :
06.09.2017 MS: Feature 204 – replacing AdminGuide.pdf with Online eDocs
06.09.2017 MS: Feature 203 – ADMX – Custom Arguments for P2PVS / ImagingWizard
05.09.2017 TT: bugfix 201 – enable maximumExecutionTime in Write-BISFProgressBar, if not specified the default value of 60 minutes would be set
04.09.2017 MS: bugfix – Eventlogs would be moved for both States (Prep and Pers) now, after changing it in V6.1.0 build 03.101
31.08.2017 MS: POSH Progressbar, sleep time during preparation only, change it from 10 to 5 seconds
31.08.2017 MS: change sleep timer from 60 to 5 seconds after time sync on startup
Version 6.1.0 build 03.101 — 31.08.2017 19:00:00 :
31.08.2017 MS: Bugfix – Eventlogs would be moved during Preparation only, this saved time during personalization
31.08.2017 MS: Clear all Eventlogs
25.08.2017 MS: Bugfix – P2V with UNC Path failed with space is in UNC Path
25.08.2017 MS: Bugfix – VHDX on UNC-Path would be created with double .vhdx extension
Version 6.1.0 build 03.100 — 24.08.2017 13:55:53 :
24.08.2017 MS: If AppLayering is installed and running not inside ELM, the VM is build first time, run defrag on systemdrive
24.08.2017 MS: if OS and Platform/Appliaction Layer not detected, VM is not running inside ELM, give back $GLobal:CTXAppLayerName=”No-ELM”
24.08.2017 MS: Bugfix: after restart WEM Agentservice, Netlogon must be started also
23.08.2017 JP: Fixed typos in the ADMX/AMDL file, optimized folder structure, removed duplicated definition (WindowsVista)
22.08.2017 MS: Feature Request – 97_PrepBISF_PRE_BaseImage.ps1 – cleanup various directories, like temp, thx to Trentent Tye
22.08.2017 MS: BugFix – create or update BIS-F schedule Task to run with highest privileges
22.08.2017 MS: If defrag not run, write-out the DiskMode to the BIS-F log for further anlaysis if possible to run
Version 6.1.0 build 04.113 — 18.08.2017 16:38:46 :
18.08.2017 FF: (PERS Sophos) Use $ServiceNameS instead of $ServiceName for first Test-BISFService
18.08.2017 FF: Fix for Bug 200: Popup shouldn’t show up if Central Logshare is enabled OR disabled
17.08.2017 FF: Program is named “Windows Defender”, not “Microsoft Windows Defender”, fixed typos
Version 6.1.0 build 04.112 — 16.08.2017 13:47:45 :
Last Change: 16.08.2017 MS: Skip Device Personalization, based on Diskmode selected in ADMX
Last Change: 15.08.2017 MS: Feature – DiskMode: extend Diskmode with AppLayering, ReadOnlyAppLayering, ReadWriteAppLayering, etc.
Last Change: 15.08.2017 MS: Bugfix – Personalization: If Citrix AppLayering is installed, skip reboot
Last Change: 15.08.2017 MS: move all BIS-F logs to the BISF logfolder, local and UNC-Path, previous only personalization logs would be moved to the UNC-Path
Last Change: 06.08.2017 MS: from every P2V convertion, the logfile would be included into the BIS-F log, instead of error only
Last Change: 06.08.2017 MS: Bugfix – ADMX: in some textbox fields, they starting with empty spaces
Last Change: 06.08.2017 MS: Bugfix – if Custom UNC-Path in ADMX is enabled, during “Personalization” the wrong $returnvalue like MCSPrivate is given back, instead of “UNC-Path”
Version 6.1.0 build 04.111 — 04.08.2017 21:23:17 :
04.08.2017 MS: Feature Request 150 : – Function Get-BISFDiskMode: If Custom UNC-Path in ADMX is enabled, get back ‘UNC-Path’ as $returnvalue
03.08.2017 MS: Change BIS-F Icon on Admin Desktop, thx to Marco Zimmermann
03.08.2017 MS: Feature – P2V : Get-BISFBootMode get back UEFI or Legacy to using different command line switches for ImagingWizard or P2PVS
03.08.2017 MS: Feature – P2V : Automatic fallback to ImagingWizard with UEFI BootMode, if P2PVS in ADMX is selected
02.08.2017 MS: Feature – System Startup : In AppLayering OS-Layer only, do not Resync Time with Domain and do not Reapply Computer GPO, Computer is mostly not domain joined
02.08.2017 MS: Feature – System Startup : With DiskMode AppLayering in OS-Layer the WSUS Update Service would be start
02.08.2017 MS: Feature Request 150 : IF ADMX for custom VHDX UNC-Path is enabled, Defrag can’t performed
02.08.2017 MS: Feature Request 150 : IF ADMX for custom VHDX UNC-Path is enabled, the arguments for the P2V Tool must be changed, this vDisk Mode must not being checked
02.08.2017 MS: Feature – Removing XenConvert completly and using settings from new ADMX to choose ImagingWizard or P2PVS
02.08.2017 MS: Feature Request 152 : ADMX – Set Logfile Retention via ADMX
02.08.2017 MS: Feature Request 193 : ADMX – Eventlog and Log Configuration, change POSH Code to use new reg values
02.08.2017 MS: Feature Request 196 : ADMX – delprof2 edit custom arguments
02.08.2017 MS: Feature : change ADMX to new structure, each vendor has his own folder
02.08.2017 MS: Bugfix – Windows Defender Script: to much ” at the end of Line 44, breaks defender script to fail
Version 6.1.0 build 04.110 — 01.08.2017 19:13:38 :
01.08.2017 MS: Feature Request 197 : add Progressbar for .NET Optimization
01.08.2017 MS: Feature Request 159 : ADMX – specifiy VMware OS Optimization Template
01.08.2017 MS: Feature Request 196 : ADMX – specifiy custom searchfolder for Citrix System Optimizer (CTXOE)
01.08.2017 MS: Feature Request 196 : ADMX – specifiy custom searchfolder for each 3rd Party Tool
01.08.2017 MS: Feature Request 193 : ADMX – specifiy custom eventlog and spool foldername
01.08.2017 JP: Fix some typos
Version 6.1.0 build 04.109 — 01.08.2017 05:38:40 :
01.08.2017 MS: Bugfix Test-AppLayeringSoftware, to much more bracket.. complete execution of BISF failed !
Version 6.1.0 build 04.108 — 31.07.2017 20:10:25 :
31.07.2017 MS: Bugfix: if Citirx PVS Target Device Driver and Citrix AppLayering is installed, PostCommand would not executed
31.07.2017 MS: Bugfix: If Citrix AppLayering is installed, in the Platform Layer the wrong Driveletter would give it back.
31.07.2017 MS: Bugfix: 10_PrepBISF_AV-SEP.ps1 – typo in search folders for the SEP vietool.exe
31.07.2017 MS: Show ConsoleMessage during prepare Citrix AppLayering if installed
Version 6.1.0 build 04.107 — 29.07.2017 13:10:21:
29.07.2017 MS: add schedule Task “ServerCeipAssistant” to disable, thx to Trentent Tye
29.07.2017 MS: Feature Request 173: add Support for F-Secure Anti-Virus, thx to Thorsten Witsch
29.07.2017 MS: Feature Request 174: on systemstartup with MCS/PVS and installed WEM Agent – refresh WEM Cache
29.07.2017 MS: Feature Request 168: add Support for PrinterLogic PrinterInstaller Client to remove all files in C:WindowsTempPPP
29.07.2017 MS: Feature Request 179: Enable all Eventlog and move Eventlogs to the PVS WriteCacheDisk if Redirection is enabled in function Use-BISFPVSConfig , thx to Bernd Braun
29.07.2017 MS: Bugfix 187: Wrong search folders for the SEP vietool.exe
29.07.2017 MS: Feature Request 192: support GPT WriteCacheDisk
Version 6.1.0 build 04.106 — 28.07.2017 21:12:09:
28.07.2017 MS: Bugfix 195: If Citrix AppLayerLayering is installed get back DiskMode $returnValue = “AppLayering”
Version 6.1.0 build 04.105 — 27.07.2017 21:51:23:
27.07.2017 MS: If Citrix AppLayering and PVS Target Device Driver installed, skip vDisk Operations
27.07.2017 MS: replace redirection of spool and evt-logs with central function Use-BISFPVSConfig, if using Citrix AppLayering with PVS it’s a complex matrix to redirect or not.
27.07.2017 MS: add new Function Use-BISFPVSConfig for Checking Redirection of Files is needed in combination with PVS and Citrix AppLayering
26.07.2017 MS: Bugfix Citrix Applayering: check Universervice ProcessID instead of ProcessName
Version 6.1.0 build 04.104 — 25.07.2017 20:14:08:
25.07.2017 MS: Bugfix: Create central Function Test-BISFAppLayeringSoftware to give back $Global:CTXAppLayeringSW true or false value
25.07.2017 MS: Feature Request: with new Installerbuild (incremental version) in each DTAP Stage the build number also written to the log and the Windows Title, replace the manual change of the $ReleaseType in BISF.psm1
Version 6.1.0 DEV:
12.07.2017 FF: Prep_Altiris: Create $RegKeys as an array (was a hashtable before)
12.07.2017 FF: Prep_RES: BugFix for Redirecting RES Cache (Setting Cache Path to WCD)
03.07.2017 FF: CTXOE can be executed on every device (if “installed” + not disabled by GPO/skipped by user)
01.07.2017 MS: add Script to remove ghost devices, thx to Trentent Tye
28.06.2017 MS: Feature Request 169 – add AppLayering Support in PrepBISF_CTX.ps1
16.06.2017 FF: Feature Request 181 – add support for Citrix System Optimizer Engine (CTXOE)
28.06.2017 MS: Bugfix 186 – AppSense Product Path – thx to Matthias Kowalkowski
14.06.2017 MS: Feature Request 176 – Running ImagingWizard instead of P2PVS to support UEFI Boot on Hyper-V
14.06.2017 MS: Feature Request 172 – Stopping Shell Hardware Detection Service before ImagingWizard/XenConvert is starting, messagebox to format the disk supressed now
01.06.2017 FF: Feature Request 182 – Add 10_PrepBISF_AV-WindowsDefender.ps1 to support Windows Defender