Provisioning Server

During the Citrix PVS Update from Version 2203 CU2 LTSR to the latest one 2402 LTSR I’m running into an issue with the Config Wizard and the DB permissions with the Option “Farm is already configured” The following Video shows the issue, but after it I can go further with the wizard and the configuration […]

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Recorded Session from E2EVC in Orlando, 27. May 2017, get it here Thanks to Jonathan and Eric

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With the next Big Release of our well known Base Image Script Framework (BIS-F), we have some great enhacements under the hood and for you in the front. First of all, thanks to all our Tester’s around the globe and for the very good feedback, to make this free community tool better and better. Let’s go, […]

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Introduction On so many customers I stumble about the last automation steps to seal their Master Images with Citrix Provisioning Services. If the customer has used the BDM-ISO it’s neacassary to switch the Storage Device ID (WriteCache ID 0, local Install ID 1) and insert the BDM-Boot-ISO, the vDisk must created first and the Master Target Device in […]

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