Base Image Script Framework (BIS-F) – Minor Update with cool AppLayering Feature and Source Code on GitHub now

Powershell, Automation, BIS-F, Citrix AppLayering

With the upcoming Minor Update 6.1.0 build 01.101 we are fixing some issues, the finalize package will be published in the next 2-3 weeks on

NEW: BIS-F Source Code, List of Issues is available now on GitHub




  • Bugfix 29: AppLayering does not detect the right layer
  • Bugfix 32: Fslogix – When in the GPO specify “Configure FSLogix central rule share” to Disabled, the script still prompt for the path when is executed.
  • Bugfix 33: if sysprep is enabled and other Management SW like Citrix VDA, PVS Target Device Driver, VMWare View Agent is installed, the script breaks and create the BIS-F scheduled task with an empty string, so the personalization never be run and if you enable the Citrix Broker Desktop Delay in the BIS-F ADMX the VDA will never be registered

The most time we need is the AppLayering Issues, to detect the right layer wit the latest AppLayering Version as you can see in the table below.

Based with this information BIS-F is able to handle now all this Informations and can run the right optimizations during sealing or personalization during system startup.

I’m taken some screenshots of the BIS-F Logfile in the different steps

Picture 1: OS Layer is detected

Picture 2: During OS Layer sealing, the Layer finalize will be executed


Picture 3: New Platform / App-Layer is detected


Picture 4:  During new Platform / App-Layer sealing, the fayer Finalize will be executed


Picture 5: Update Platform / App-Layer is detected


Picture 6: Update Platform / App-Layer during sealing, Layer finalize will be executed


Picture 7: private boot (Outside ELM) is detected


Picture 8: private boot (outside ELM) during sealing


BIS-F also detect if the Layer finalize is allowed and send out the right information, mostly a reboot must run before to allow Layer Finalize.

Based with this above informations you can extend your onw sripts if needed and put them in the custom BIS-F folder. Use the following global variables to run your custom Scripts in the right layer

Hope this can made your automation easier | | Founder Base Image Script Framework (BIS-F) | IT-Architect EUC | Automation Enthusiast

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