Base Image Script Framework (BIS-F) 6.1.0 build 01.100

Citrix, Citrix AppLayering, Powershell, Windows 10, XenDesktop, Automation, BIS-F

Hi Folks, we working hard in the last few months to make this release even better and better, some long nights to find the right solution for new technologies like Citrix AppLayering to get the Layer, run VM inside or outside ELM… sometimes not so easy.

With BIS-F 6.1.0 many new features and enhacements:

  • For each 3rd Party Tool you can specify a custom path in the ADMX
  • IF Citrix Optimizer (CTXO) or VMware OS Optimization Tool (vmOSOT) is executed and configured with the ADMX, optimizations as describes here are not executed
  • .NET Optimization can be enabled/disable in ADMX
  • P2PVS Tool P2PVS or ImagingWizard can be selected in ADMX
  • vDisk Extension vhd or vhdx can be selected in ADMX
  • specify the Name for the spool and Eventlog Folder in ADMX
  • Custom UNC Path for PVS vDisk can be entered in ADMX
  • Citrix AppLayering: The Layer will be detected and control the service like WSUS in OS-Layer only
  • Offline Defrag of the PVS vDisk on the custom UNC-Path
  • Detect UEFI or Legacy BIOS to select the right commandline Switches for P2PVS/ImagingWizard
  • IF BIS-F is starting remotly, the right POSH Version from the remote Session will be detected
  • Ivanti Automation: Stop the Service can be controlled in ADMX
  • BIS-F Preparation waiting for the personalization if finished before continue
  • Redirect all Windows Eventlogs to the PVS WriteCacheDisk
  • Clear all Windows EventLogs during preparation
  • Citrix Desktop Service Delay can be controlled in ADMX
  • Custom Arguments for P2PVS / ImagingWizard can be enabled and configured in ADMX
  • Log Retention Period can be configured in ADMX
  • Ghost Devices can be controlled and configured to remove in ADMX
  • Support for PrinterLogic PrinterInstaller Client
  • BIS-F personalization can be controlled and skipped in ADMX
  • Support for F-Secure Anti-Virus
  • VMware OS Optimization Tool, specify template to use in ADMX
  • Support for Citrix Optimizer (CTXO)
  • Trend Micro OfficeScan: OfficeScan (OSCE) Agent or WFBS-SVC (Worry-Free Business Security Services icon will be removed in the system tray. Updated ini file and delete run value as per
  • Support for Windows Defender
  • Office and Operating System Rearm State will be logged in BIS-F log
  • With BIS-F uninstaller, the BIS-F schedule Task will be removed also

Download  here

Online Documentation here | | Founder Base Image Script Framework (BIS-F) | IT-Architect EUC | Automation Enthusiast

6 thoughts on “Base Image Script Framework (BIS-F) 6.1.0 build 01.100”
  • Ewald Bracko says:

    There is something I have a bit of trouble with and that is that the final status is set to “AfterPrep” after running it in the Platform Layer.
    When I now create an Application Layer for Office and try to run the BIS-F Script to finalize that Office Layer the Script now is stuck at “waiting if finished”.
    As I see it there are some tasks that should run every time I am finalizing a layer, like ngen, clearing the logs, checking for Office finalization and so on.
    Maybe you should give this a thought…

    December 4, 2017 at 15:50
    • Ewald Bracko says:

      Sorry, I forgot to mention that I’m working with Citrix Enterprise Layer Management there.
      Usually it is suggested to do some finalizing steps on each Layer creation and Layer update – including Application Layers.
      When you finally publish your image, all the selected Layers will be merged together into one image.
      If you don’t do basic clean up steps when finalizing each Layer unnecessary stuff might get merged there, too.
      However, usually it is not necessary to do OS optimization steps like running Citrix Optimizer or VMware OSOT for example when I’m finalizing an Application Layer.
      Those settings already have been set either within the OS Layer or the Platform Layer.

      December 4, 2017 at 17:18
    • Thanks for your ideas, we discuss this internally and see how we solve this with a update fix

      December 8, 2017 at 06:35
  • Ewald Bracko says:

    In the meanwhile I have recognized something additional when adding a version to the Platform Layer.
    As it looks like the “PersBISF_Start.ps1” which runs at Startup under the SYSTEM user context changes the “LIC_BISF_PersState” value to “Active” but it never changes to “Finished” until I run the same script under the Administrator user context.
    Is that how it should be or needs that to be fixed, too?
    This can be handled by checking if the Hostname is the same as in the “LIC_BISF_RefSrv_Hostname” value. If this is true then I’m working in the Platform Layer usually. Only there the same Hostname is used.
    CELM creates an own Hostname for each Layer usually so far as I have recognized it.

    December 10, 2017 at 17:12
  • Pavan Yellapragada says:

    Will this script support citrix 1912 LTSR Version ?

    August 31, 2020 at 16:37
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